
When a loved one passes, it can be a big decision deciding what sort of funeral you would like them to have. It’s important to consider what they were like as a person and what was important to them. It might be that you had time to speak to them prior to their passing about what they would like, but if this is not the case, it’s down to you and those around you who knew them, to think about what’s best. If your loved one was eco-conscious, one of the best ideas is to consider a water burial. This is one of the most sustainable ways to send off someone’s ashes and can offer the chance for a beautiful ceremony too.
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Losing a loved one is never easy and it might be that you need to take the ashes of your loved one on a plane. This could be to spread the ashes somewhere else, to take them home or to take them to other family members. Before doing so, it’s important to do your research on the rules and regulations, ensuring you have the correct paperwork to make the journey as easy as possible.
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Losing someone you love is never easy and is one of the most painful things you will ever go through in your life. When feeling this way it can seem like it will never let up and you will feel this sadness forever, yet it's important to remember this is a normal reaction to a significant loss in your life. While there isn't a right or wrong way to grieve, there are things you can do to help cope with the pain and in time, allow yourself to fully grieve and move on.
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